The live show blog for the veteran live shower. We'll talk about the haps in Region 10. We'll talk about issues around live showing and NAMHSA. We'll dip into my big box of ancient photos and discuss history. It will be a grand old time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Nearly forgot!

My favorite picture of the day! My nieces Mackenzie and Riley (and their mom) came to help out on Saturday. The girls served as ribbon runners, and they had a great time doing it. They are handing me ribbons for Lasher and All About Khemistry...just as those two are being announced as champ and reserve.

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this post and wanted to say the girls were the highlight of my day! And that's saying a lot with all the gorgeous horses at NAN, but they were SO enthusiastic and SO friendly, every time I went up to get ribbons (most of the time not even for myself but for my proxy) I felt like I won gold at the Olympics. They were great :)


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