The live show blog for the veteran live shower. We'll talk about the haps in Region 10. We'll talk about issues around live showing and NAMHSA. We'll dip into my big box of ancient photos and discuss history. It will be a grand old time.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I had hoped to actually get this blog rolling January first, but the holidays, the new job and all that other stuff life tosses at you got in the way, and I didn't. Then I was driving home from the first show of the season (already!) and my brain was just full of things and suddenly I remembered I'd set this up, and really, it was time to go with it. I do keep a personal blog, and a lot of model horse stress got dumped there(recall the PlayDay Scandal of 2005?) and really, most of my family Does Not Care about my in depth analysis of the model horse hobby. So it is time to split it out to people who Do Care.

What I am hoping to do here is talk about upcoming show trends, live showing issues in general, shows I attend, and I will get nostalgic for older shows and my own collection in general. I think I am talking to the seasoned live shower, but newbies are welcome too--there is a Live Show 101 blog that might be better for getting the whole nuts and bolts of showing. I won't for example, be discussing how to get ready for your first show, or how to enter one, but I will be pondering how to make judging a more serious pursuit, or how might change to better suit the needs of the 21st century hobbyist.

Eventually I might even tell the joke behind the blog's name. Its one of those "you had to be there" things.

I do not have the email feed set up just yet, but I will do that soon, if you're the sort of person who would rather get posts in your inbox than via your favorite RSS reader (I am a fan of the Google Reader.)

On that note...look for a post on Windrush Winter Warmup in a few hours!

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